Shark Tank India is an Indian business reality television series based on the American show Shark Tank. The show follows aspiring entrepreneurs as they pitch their business ideas to a panel of investors, known as “sharks”, in order to secure funding. The sharks are successful business people who have made their own fortunes, and they are looking for the next big investment.
Shark Tank India Memes
Yeh sab doglapan hai – Ashneer Grover
Mat socho, mana kar do – Aman Gupta
Ye meri expertise nahi hai, I am out – Namita Thapar
Zara saral tareeke se samjhaye – Anupam Mittal
Bilkul bakwas hai, aap band kar do isey – Ashneer Grover
Ha main de dunga, tu tension mat le – Aman Gupta
Main aapko sharminda nahi karna chahta but it is a joke – Anupam Mittal
Yehi to maza hai – Namita Thapar
Tu kya kar raha hai ye… chhod de – Ashneer Grover
Shark Tank India is a popular show that has inspired many aspiring entrepreneurs. The dialogues between the sharks and the entrepreneurs are often memorable and thought-provoking. The show has also helped to raise awareness of entrepreneurship in India.