Paresh Rawal, an acclaimed actor, debuted with Holi (1984), while Anupam Kher made his mark with Saaransh (1984). Paresh studied in Mumbai and Anupam in Shimla. Both married to actresses—Paresh to Swaroop Sampat, Anupam to Kirron Kher—they’ve won multiple awards. Currently, Paresh acts in films and theater, while Anupam focuses on acting and his acting school.
Paresh Rawal Vs Anupam Kher
Paresh Rawal | VS | Anupam Kher |
69 Years | Age | 69 Years |
Holi (1984) | First Movie | Saaransh (1984) |
5 Feet 8 Inches | Height | 5 Feet 6 Inches |
Commerce Graduate | Education | Economics Degree |
Mumbai | Birthplace | Shimla, HP |
Swaroop Sampat | Wife | Kirron Kher |